Well, it's Monday morning and we're all back at our regular lives now. The blitz of All-Con has passed and hopefully we all came out of it richer of friends, knowledge and, yes, Cool Stuff.
I had planned to blog so much more during the weekend. I should have known I would be so busy talking to people and running around that I'd barely have any time to blog. Ah well. Such is life and the fact that I didn't blog because I was busy talking to people about the Guild is not a bad thing One Little Bit!
All of our photos we took are uploaded to Flickr now under the tag allcon2009dfwcg. You can also check out the DFWCG group on Flickr to see who of our Guild Members attended All-Con. We're missing pics of one or two of us, but I hope to get those photos in soon. Since we were so busy talking to people we also didn't have as much time to take photos of all the amazing costumes walking by. Next year I would like to try setting up a better area for Photos so we can get All of you. There were truely some amazing pieces of work walking around this weekend. Thank you all for the inspiration!
And speaking of next year, I have informed All-Con that the DFWCG would like to continue to work with them next year and that we would like to step up our involvement. So if there's anything you can think of that you would like to see us offer at All-Con, please let us know. You can comment here, or also come see us at our
Yahoo Groups board.
In the meantime, we will be having a meet and greet at Scarborough Faire for Opening Weekend, and we'd love to meet new people and chat. See our
Events page on the website for all the details.