Are you a costumer or crafter who has knowledge to impart? Would you like to promote your business or website by giving a lecture? Panels are the heart and soul of Costumers' Lost Weekend. And we need you to help make our event special.

We are looking for 45 minute panels for Saturday, June 29 and 90 minute to 2 hour workshops for Sunday, June 30. Subject matter can range from a wide variety of skills and genres. Skill levels can range from Entry Level all the way up to Advanced. Panels will be chosen from all submissions by the CLW 2013 Commitee based on presenting a variety of topics and education as represents the variety of costumers in DFW Costumers Guild. Don't be shy to present your My Little Pony accessories or rhinestone bedazzled shoes panel to our group of costumers.
Oh! And don't forget, our panelists get a 50% discount on tickets to Costumers' Lost Weekend. So you can enjoy a whole weekend with fellow costumers for only $15 if you present a panel for us.
Apply to be a Costumers' Lost Weekend Panelist right here:
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